Lavandia Laurel Organic Oil 100ml

12,50 € EUR

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  • 100ml of pure Laurel Organic Oil for hair and skin.
  • Infused with vitamins A, E, and essential fatty acids for deep nourishment.
  • Reduces hair loss, moisturizes skin, and enhances hair shine.
  • Pre-shampoo treatment for protection and vitality.
  • Avoid sun exposure post-application; ideal as a cosmetic base oil.
  • Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Laurel Extract blend.
  • Stored safely and tested for allergies; 100% recyclable packaging.
SKU: 5214002406141 Category:

Lavandia Laurel Organic Oil (100ml): Divine Nourishment for Hair and Skin

Unveil the Power of Laurel Delve into the rich heritage of Lavandia’s Laurel Organic Oil. This 100ml potion is more than a beauty product; it’s a tradition revived. Made from laurel leaves infused in organic extra virgin olive oil, it’s a tribute to ancient wisdom and beauty practices.

Rich in Tradition and Nutrients Laurel oil, once the emblem of the god Apollo, symbolizes enlightenment and beauty. Our oil, rich in vitamins A, E, and fatty acids, brings these ancient benefits to modern care routines.

For Lustrous Hair

  • Strength and Shine: Revitalizes hair, giving it strength and a glossy finish.
  • Combat Hair Loss: Effectively reduces both seasonal and permanent hair loss.
  • Pre-Shampoo Miracle: Use as a mask to shield hair from breakage and dryness.

Radiant Skin

  • Moisturizing: Keeps skin hydrated and soft.
  • Toning and Healing: Offers antiseptic and anti-inflammatory benefits, enhancing skin’s natural glow.

Simple Steps for Timeless Beauty Apply the oil to wet hair, massaging from scalp to ends. Leave it for 15-20 minutes before shampooing. This ritual protects hair and aids in treating hair loss. For skin, apply directly to nourish and tone.

Mindful Usage and Sustainability Avoid sun for 4 hours after applying. The oil also serves as a great cosmetic base. Store it in a cool, dry place. Always do a patch test first. In line with our eco-friendly commitment, the packaging is 100% recyclable.

Embrace Your Natural Beauty Lavandia Laurel Organic Oil is not just a product. It’s a journey back to nature’s most cherished beauty secrets, ready for you to rediscover.


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