Greek Raw Bee Propolis Alabasinis 20g

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  • Pure Propolis: Directly from the beehive, unprocessed.
  • Health Benefits: Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.
  • Versatile Use: Oral and topical applications.
  • Tincture Preparation: Detailed steps for making propolis tincture.
  • Sustainable Production: Ethical beekeeping practices.
  • Immune Support: Natural ally for the immune system.
SKU: 040001beepropolis Category:

Greek Raw Bee Propolis Alabasinis 20g

Natural Immune Support

Greek Raw Bee Propolis Alabasinis offers the pure, unprocessed benefits of propolis directly from the beehive. Priced at €7,30, this 20g jar provides a natural ally for your immune system. Bees create propolis by collecting resinous secretions from plants and trees, enriching them with wax, pollen, enzymes, and other substances. Known for its anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial traits, propolis has been used since ancient times by Egyptians and recommended by Hippocrates.

Versatile Applications

Propolis can be used both orally and topically. In its natural form, it is beneficial for treating cuts, mouth sores, and ulcers. It is also a common ingredient in modern medicines like tablets, pills, ointments, and syrups.

  • Oral Use: Chew a chickpea-sized ball of propolis until it breaks up, then swallow. Use 2-3 times a day at the onset of a cold to help alleviate sore throat and cold symptoms. It is also effective for mouth sores and gingivitis.
  • Topical Use: Apply directly to the skin 2-3 times a day for cuts and sores.

Preparing Propolis Tincture

Materials Needed:

  • Propolis
  • Ethyl Alcohol 95° (distillery)
  • Airtight jar
  • Coffee filter
  • Syringe
  • Small vials
  • Scale

Preparation Steps:

  1. Collect and Clean Propolis:
    • Scrape propolis from the hive, removing foreign bodies, wax, paint, and wood.
    • Clean propolis by placing it in cold water, stirring, and removing any floating debris. Repeat if necessary and allow it to dry.
  2. Crush and Mix:
    • Crush larger pieces into smaller ones.
    • Mix one part raw propolis to three parts alcohol (95°). Ensure the tincture does not exceed 30% propolis.
  3. Infuse and Filter:
    • Place the mixture in an airtight jar and store in a dark, moisture-free place. Shake once or twice a day for the first week.
    • Leave the mixture for at least a month to allow the alcohol to absorb the propolis components.
  4. Extract and Use:
    • Use a syringe to extract the liquid portion, avoiding sediment.
    • Filter the mixture with a coffee filter and fill small vials with the filtered liquid. The propolis tincture is now ready for use.
  5. Utilize Sediments:
    • The leftover propolis sediments can be used as an ointment or fertilizer for plants.

Sustainable and Ethical Production

Our commitment to bee welfare is paramount. We ensure our production techniques do not harm the bees. We leave a substantial amount of honey in the beehives to support their health and sustainability.

Why Choose Greek Raw Bee Propolis Alabasinis?

Choosing Greek Raw Propolis Alabasinis means supporting sustainable practices while benefiting from a natural, powerful immune booster. This raw propolis is perfect for those seeking natural remedies and health support.

Experience the pure, potent benefits of Greek Raw Propolis Alabasinis. Ideal for boosting immunity, treating cuts, and promoting overall health, this 20g jar is a valuable addition to your natural medicine cabinet.


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